Saturday, November 8, 2008

The Fun With My YMCA Membership

Well, part of learning karate at the YMCA is keeping your membership up to date. Finances are kicking me as hard as a flying side kick of late, just like much of the rest of the country.

I'm trying to figure out how to renew my membership, which expires in late November. Since my membership is ending before the class registration would, the YMCA is not letting me register for the current class session.

Sensei will let me attend one class this coming week while I try to get the mess addressed, and I will update here once I know.

Part of the issue is, will I re-up my Y membership as family, or individual. We've had family the whole last year, but only I have really used it. This means, of course, discussion with my lovely wife, which can take a bit of time to sort out.

Kiai! I want to fix this last week! But it will have to wait until Friday at the earliest.

Sayonara & wish me luck.


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