Wednesday, March 5, 2008

500 kicks...per leg

Wow. Sensei really put us through the paces tonight.

First, we did kicking drills against pad bags, then a large wavemaster. We practiced combinations, and flying side kicks.

THEN, he started having us get on the bar and do fifty round house kicks per leg, alternating sides four times. After that, he had us pair with a partner each, hold hands, and fifty more facing away from each other with each leg. Then in groups of three, fifty more per leg. Then in groups of four, twenty five more per leg. Then in groups of five, twenty five more per leg, with a hop forward in a circle after each kick.

After that, four katas, including Takeo Kai Ichei, Empi, Takeo Kai Nee.

DEFINITELY washagi. (A GI is a karate uniform. We sweated bullets - get it?)

I think I'll crawl everywhere tomorrow - but lose a couple of pounds, too. Awesome.



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