When doing an upward block, your wrist should be straight as far as the up-down bend, but your forearm should be turned slightly upward at a 45 degree angle facing out from your face, and your arm needs to be at a 45 degree angle over your head.
Some Google image search:
You see the first and last pictures in the series - this the correct end-of-motion position for the block.
Also practiced tonight were Takeo Kai Ichei, Ni, and Son. These use down, middle, and upward blocks and punches. Footwork is un-changed in all three kata. Ichei is down blocks and punches, Ni is middle blocks and punches, Son is up blocks and punches.
We also practiced Empi (elbow) kata - which uses several different elbow strikes.
When I get good at these kata, I may do some of them in this space as embedded youtube video, but for now I don't want you learning my mistakes only to have to correct them later.
Finally, we wrapped up with some kicking drills - and Sensei had each of us pick the kick we felt we had the most difficulty with. I chose the side kick, (so did at least four others) simply because I've done it the least and need to learn it better. Sensei then made sure to show us slowly and carefully exactly how it's done.
Last, but not least, I wore the new Karate Gi tonight. It fits far better than the Tae Kwon Do Gi and is easier to move in altogether. I am very well pleased with it. For $22.00 and change, shipping included, it is a great deal from Superfoots.com. See this post: http://karateemptyhand.blogspot.com/2008/03/ordered-new-gi.html
for details on the new Gi purchase and associated notes / photos.
It also didn't hurt that I was able to go to class in no more than a sweat jacket, seeing how it was 45 degrees outside in the West Chicago suburbs. Taieee!! Spring is springing!
By the way, I have lost 10 pounds since starting Karate. THAT is a thrill all its own.
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