Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Sweat Classes vs. Thinking Classes, or The Yellow Belt Cometh

Tonight was what I would call a "thinking class." These are classes where Sensei dives into the minutiae of forms and techniques, gives explanations, and has us practice them.

Sweat classes are the ones where he either has us do strength-building drills, or sparring, or both.

I enjoy both kinds of class, and they both have their place.

I was tested tonight for yellow belt - and passed. I tend to think just barely so. You can bet your whatever, that I personally am not satisfied with my own performance, meaning I will drill on it even more.

The ceremony should take place in less than two weeks - time to get my patches and such also in order.

Interestingly, when we started tonight, the class's juvenile body dummy was slightly damaged by someone carelessly throwing it in a closet. Sensei was quite angry, not that I blame him.

We were, however, able to pull most of the dent in it's support base out...

It was a good class.




Slop -n- Goulash: Dinner of Champions! said...

Dan, I found you on a yahoo search for "martial arts beginners" as my search words. I e-mailed you about a gi and then found your actual blog. I just read your account of testing for your yellow belt. I just tested for mine 3 days before you and I felt EXACTLY the same as you - that I passed "just barely" and that I was not satisfied with my performance. Like I said in my e-mail, reading the posts to the yahoo group, I am very excited to hear how much alike we think on alot of things m.a. Look forward to the rapport with someone who won't bore of all my karate talk! : )

AquarianM said...

Yep, we're always our own worst critics - especially if we're perfectionistic. Glad you could join in the discussion!
