Sunday, February 17, 2008

One more Thought For Tonight...

...keep it light and keep your sense of humor. Learning Karate, you are going to be awkward, you are going to make mistakes, and that is only human. From life experience, I've found it is best to replace pride with humor and not take yourself too seriously.

ALL of us are beginners at some point in everything we learn in this life. No one is born adept and skilled, we have to learn from the bottom up, and give our best to reach our potential.

If you goof up, have the respect for your instructor, your classmates, and yourself to apologize and laugh WITH others at your mistakes. This will allow you to learn from them and move forward. Being angry, with yourself and others, only leads to greater mistakes.

Learn, let go, move on, and hopefully your gentle laughter will allow you to move on, seeing the reality of what you are: a life-long student. No matter how far you may progress, there is always more to learn as long as you live. To stop learning and growing is to stop living.



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