Sunday, February 17, 2008

Too Cool !! The Hawai'i Karate Museum...

Hawai'i Karate Museum

First, credit where it's due: I found this courtesy of the Karate Thoughts Blog. I plan on going over and reading them a bit after I check out more on the museum.

The Hawai'i Karate Museum has all kinds of cool stuff being posted online, from rare books to photos and old newspaper articles. They have photos of various Karate weapons, links to other arts and local dojos, and more. They even have Japanese (Okinawan) Karate postage stamps, of all things.

From what I can see, they are still in the fairly early stages of digitizing their collections, so it would be well worth it to check back on them from time to time.

If I ever get to Hawai'i again, I am going to want to check them out in person. They are located on the big island in Aiea, Hawaii. This is a bit Northwest of Honolulu.

Added note: Mr. Charles C. Goodin is the author of the Karate Thoughts Blog and the head of the Hawai'i Karate Museum. On going back to read through the blog, the first post I chose was "Emphasize Peace." I very strongly recommend reading this post if you are considering study of this art. This is the truest spirit and heart of the art.

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